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Jacquis Rambeau

"Sometimes people who are broke want to look like celebrities, but don’t have the celebrity cash.”

Jacquis Rambeau was born and raised in Marysville, California and has moved around ever since being the son of a military father. He first became interested in design in 2001 after having spent most of his childhood dreaming about being in the music industry.

Jacquis got the idea of embellishing eyewear because he saw a pair on television. He decided to purchase a pair and once he had them in hand, he realized he could make them himself. Having never gone to design school, Jacquis is self-taught. The first pair he made had studs across the front and was covered in lace. This first pair of unique sunglasses was sold to someone in California via his Web site.

Broken Celebrity from the conception of the line embodies what fashion lovers have been calling for. “Causing a ruckus without opening your mouth…”. The Broken Celebrity line of eye wear combines “the nerd” with “the in crowd”. It summons upon the boldness and confidence of a Bentley with Salvation Army shopping bags in the back seat; looking the least while doing the most. The customer of the Broken Celebrity label is fully aware that blending in, but yet standing out is the secret of being a celebrity. Broken Celebrity eye wear is a multi-line of quality eye wear made for the cosmopolitan individual. Each piece of Broken Celebrity I-WEAR is the personification of style, and having an impudent attitude of fashion.

Designer Facts:

If I could bring back any fashion trend it would be 70's Studio 54 Glamour.


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