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Loreal Banks

"My designs are fun, flirty and contemporary and bring out a woman's inner beauty."

Loreal Banks was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Even when she was young as age seven, she was interested in fashion. She never really liked playing with dolls, but asked her mother to buy her one just so she could design and make clothes for them out of old t-shirts. As Loreal grew up she never lost her desire to design and make clothes. By the time she was 14 her interest in sewing intensified. Her first sewing machine was given to her by her sister after seeing it advertised on television. Loreal learned all of the basic techniques and completed her own first two-piece skirt set. It was at that moment, Loreal was inspired to turn her passion for fashion into a career. In 2005, after graduating from high school, Loreal enrolled at American Intercontinental University where she is currently pursuing a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Fashion Marketing and Design. She will complete her program by fall of 2008.

Designer Facts:
The celebrity whose style I admire most is Kerry Washington.


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