Closet Voyeur
Fashion Spotlight
Global Fashions
Angela Moore
Santa Monica
Global Fashions
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"Don’t cry over spilt milk… WEAR IT!"

Lanvy and her parents came to the United States from Vietnam as indentured servants working as fishing-boat refugees. There was simply no other way out, but up; scholarships and grants afforded her leverage and a business degree from Boston University. Having clawed out of poverty and having received this precious degree, Lanvy was compelled to chase the Wall Street dream…the American hope to be rich and powerful. Yet, after ten years of corporate finance…of deals… of mergers and acquisitions, she was compelled to live the life ideal: to create without burdening the CREATOR and ,in return, give to those forgotten. It is Lanvy's dream to make CARING fashionable.

Lanvy wants to change the garment industry's perspective on creative license and show that ingenuity can be achieved with balanced numbers and balanced lives. "Now it’s my corporate policy to be GREEN. Our line is eco-couture and holistically sustainable. I am firm on the basis that high-fashion can be socially & ecologically responsible...and why not?? MILK makes for a beautiful sweater and mung-bean, a great suit...We’ve dieted on what beauty Mother-Nature provides and made it HAUTE. This means that we take what is naturally and historically beautiful like traditional crochet and weaving methods of garment-making of yesteryear and re-interpret such techniques for our high end collection using natural textile . In this way, we can target economic development projects for known craft villages and assist them in growing the industry.

Designer Facts:
My mother’s 501 jeans is the only thing I will not get rid of. It was the first thing she bought in this country. When my mom “outgrew” it, I took it and painted a long snake all around one leg…wore it throughout college and got great reviews and a few gigs.


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