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Dirk Van Saene

"Once in my life, I would like to be hyped!"

Dirk Van Saene is one of the original Antwerp 6 - a group of extremely influential avant garde fashion designers who graduated from Antwerp's Royal Academy of Fine Arts between 1980-1981. The group, which included Walter Van Beirendonck, Marina Yee, Dries Van Noten, Dirk Bikkembergs, Ann Demeulemeester and Dirk Van Saene, turned fashionistas on their well-dressed ears by renting a truck and travelling to London Fashion Fair in 1981 and presenting to all the attendees what was happening in their home country in fashion. The resulting accolades put Antwerp on the map from a fashion perspective.

Prior to London Fashion Fair, Dirk Van Saene opened a boutique 'Beauties and Heroes,' selling only his award winning designs (As a new designer, he won almost every "Gouden Spoel" or Golden Spindle awarded to the most promising young fashion designer for which he qualified.

It is difficult to find continuity in Dirk Van Saene's brilliance. His collections, inpiration, and even show schedules are full of change, leaving fashionistas to wonder what and when he will do next.

Life Facts:
One of the definitions of "hype" is exaggerated publicity. Dirk Van Saene is a talented and exciting designer; all of his "hype" is well-deserved.


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