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Ketty Hernandez

"I love art and to me fashion is an art that is expressing emotions."

Ketty Hernandez was born in Cuba and moved to Miami, Florida at the age of eight. Growing up in Miami, she knew at a very early age that she wanted to study fashion design. She could even remember that she would get angry with her mother because she would not let her dress herself for school. Soon she would be picking out her out her own clothes and even dressing her friends. What she then thought was a game has turned out to be her passion. She designed clothes for herself and for friends. She attended American Intercontinental University in Weston, Florida.

With Miami being her main source of inspiration, she was driven not only by the Chic Miami style but also by the 70’s era. The silhouettes used, have a modern day feel reminiscent of the 70’s. The use of vibrant colors and fabrics give it that final touch that completes the look of her latest collection, "Funkydelic Summer".

Designer Facts:
If I had the opportunity to have a famous designer revamp my entire wardrobe...After much debate between three of my favorite designers I am going with Versace. I love their print and bright colors not to mention the gorgeous evening gowns.


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