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Dina Medina

"My goal is to give you clothing that makes you feel unique, exclusive, and delicious."

Dina Medina is an original South Floridian Designer. Born in Miami Beach at Mount Sinai Hospital in 1982 and raised in the heart of South Beach, Dina has acquired a unique aesthetic from her exposure to the diverse and ever growing number of cultures in South Florida. During her travels to Honduras, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, and the Caribbean she has noticed the impact of the South Florida Lifestyle.

She is a self-taught designer that developed a love for clothes at an early age. Her mother made custom made pageant dresses and costumes for festivals. Dina Says “I used to sit and watch my mom for hours while she sewed. I would get bored an start to pick up the scraps and sew them together by hand until they were large quilt like pieces of fabric.” Dina helped her mother by illustrating the creations made for the extravagant events. Which in turn gave Dina the skills that started her professional career. She began making custom made garments as early as high school which included anything from prom dresses to everyday school clothes.

Designer Facts:
A celebrity that I admire most for wardrobe would have to be, Gwen Stefani.


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